National Youth Development Consultant and TA Provider Network

We are compiling a national database of consultants within the fields of youth development, OST, education and community-based change.

The purpose of this database is to allow prospective clients to more easily find and connect with contractors within our field. There will be no charge to consultants or to contracting agencies to use this database.

We want to include as many people as we can–independent contractors, individuals from small companies and large organizations–anyone who provides training, TA, capacity building, professional learning and consulting within our field.

If you’d like to be listed within this database, just complete this form.

Why is Development Without Limits doing this?

  1. We are tired of responding to RFPs. So often, RFPs are developed without support from people doing the work or people who the work is intended to support. That's problematic. It's like expecting the doctor to fill a prescription before they can get a clear sense of the possible diagnosis. If we can speak with a client *before* they issue the RFP, we can actually help them more.

2. Hustling sucks. Wouldn't it be great if clients could find us more easily, rather than us chasing them? If you are part of a longstanding organization, you have name recognition. But if you're new to this consulting and TA life, you might have to spend a lot of time building a client base. Our company, DWL, has been consulting in the youth development/OST/education/community change space since 2000. We want to leverage our platform to elevate others.

3. We believe in abundance. Yes, funders and agencies tend to pit us against each other, offering funding only to the chosen few. But, as consultants, TA providers, coaches, and capacity builders in this field we do not have to play that game. We are *not competitors*. We all want young people to flourish. We all support the adults who help make that happen. And, there is room *and prosperity* for all of us.

4. We like you. We see each other at conferences or on webinars, but often don't get a chance to work together. Connections and relationships are everything when it comes to transformational change, professional growth, leadership development, capacity building, adult name it. We wanted to create an opportunity to hang out with our peers and nurture more positive relationships within our TA provider universe.

5. Networks maximize change. As we can build a network of TA and capacity building providers who are all focused on the same mission--to support adults so they can better support young people--we know we will collectively be able to facilitate change. (We're loving the work of Jane Wei-Skillern on this topic). If we have the opportunities to intersect with each other, we can play outside the traditional rulebook and create our own paths to do the work we're here to do.

Why is there no charge?

Development Without Limits is hosting this site as part of fees we already pay anyway. We're envisioning this as a big dinner table where everyone is welcomed. We already have the house and table, so just come on in and join us.

What if I want more opportunities for community or my own professional learning?

We invite you to join the Linked In group, Youth Development Consultants Group to start connecting right now. As the website unfolds, we plan to host virtual 'mixers' regularly to support all of us connecting and sharing. In addition, DWL facilitates invitation-based membership groups and advising at a fee.

Can I see the website?

We're developing the site based on your feedback. This survey will help us create categories and information that will help connect you with prospective clients. Our goal is to highlight each consultant’s brilliance and introduce prospective clients to your work.

Next steps

Once we have a critical mass of responses, we'll mock up a website that incorporates the feedback and ideas generated here. We will reach out to you and invite you to create your profile on the site.