
Leadership Inspiration & Tips

online learning, professional development Jennifer Brady online learning, professional development Jennifer Brady

5 Trauma-Informed Practices You Can Do Via Zoom

2020 has been one of the most traumatic years during our lifetimes. And we know that the immediate and long-term effects on our children and youth could become dire—especially when the 2020 anxieties are coupled with already-existing trauma or challenges. When facilitating youth programming remotely, try these 5 trauma-informed practices to support your participants.

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Taking a Leap

In the long list of lessons the pandemic has taught us, one is: No matter how much you prepare, you may never actually be ready. And, even though we may have prepared, we still have to be able to abandon our plans and readjust to a completely different context at the drop of a hat. Our team is excited to announce the launch of our new virtual learning platform, LEARN>Without Limits.

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leadership Mike Jolley leadership Mike Jolley

How to Hire the Right Staff for Your Program

Our hiring processes have to account for a number of different factors. Since many of us who have supervised OST programs received little or no training in effective staff recruitment, we wanted to share a few practices and principles that we’ve found to be effective for hiring staff who have the necessary skills and mindset for meeting the needs of the young people and families we serve.

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