Leadership Inspiration & Tips
Using In-Person Content to Design Online Workshops
You can’t just take the in-person agenda and materials, pop them into a virtual space and then expect it to be just as amazing as it was in-person. But, you also do not have to scrap the full agenda and start over. Follow these simple steps to adapt an existing workshop agenda to the online environment.
How Can You Support Your Team Right Now?
Youth-serving organizations have been forced to close their doors, suspend or digitally transform their services in a swift turn. More staff are experiencing furloughs and lay offs as organizational revenues drop. In this incredibly challenging time of stress and uncertainty, how do you support your team?
Managing Teams Remotely--ASAP!
You’ve been managing a team, but have always been able to see them in person. People have always been able to pop into your office when they need a quick response. You all have chatted in the hallway or at the coffee maker. And now you don’t. If you’re scrambling to effectively manage your team when everyone is working from home, here are five strategies to help you now.
Working from Home 101
Suddenly many people are working from home and may be feeling overwhelmed. If that describes you, read on for photos of home offices of friends and colleagues as well as basic tips we have gathered while working from home offices for over a decade.
3 Mantras for Leaders of Youth-Serving Organizations
Last week was crazy and this week is shaping up to be surreal. Leaders of youth-serving organizations are skilled, but the COVID-19 crisis is putting those skills to the test. Here are three mantras to keep you going this week.
5 Strategies for Engaging Virtual Workshops & Meetings
You were scheduled to offer an in-person workshop or meeting, but now need to revise it to be virtual. Sound familiar? While you may be prepared to adapt your slide deck and discussion questions for an online environment, how do you ensure that your participants stay engaged during your live web-based session? This post offers five strategies to keep your participants engaged.
There's an App for That! Choosing Technology to Meet Your Org's PD Needs
It seems like everyone has a learning management system, an e-Learning portal or an app to deliver their online professional development. When you’re planning professional development, how do you figure out if online learning is a good solution and then, what kind of tech to use? Here are some considerations to inform your thinking.
Online Learning for Afterschool Leaders, Defined
The virtual environment has the capability and flexibility to establish engaging and supportive professional learning opportunities for afterschool leaders no matter where they are located. Get a handle on online learning terms and envision the possibilities beyond the webinar.
PLC's and CoP's--Oh My!
There’s a lot of jargon out there and we don’t know many people who have time for deciphering it. When one of our clients asked us how a professional learning community (PLC) and a community of practice (CoP) are different, we dug in to learn more.
How to Create Amazing Online Courses for Afterschool Leaders
Afterschool professionals are movers and shakers--they are not interested in sitting still and being talked at. And, actually, who is?
How Do YOU Show Up as a Facilitator?
In our weekend training, we explored multiple social identities and how they show up in our work as facilitators. How do your social identities inform your work?
Why Offer Professional Development Online?
Online learning has changed the field of professional development in a good way. Wanna know why?