Leadership Inspiration & Tips
Guiding Principles for Capacity Building or Service Delivery Systems
How do create guiding principles to guide materials development and facilitation practices, so they all align with a clear, unified vision that uniquely meet the needs of your systems-change work.
The Trick to Leadership Transition in Changemaking Work
In an ideal world, leadership transition within complex, systemic changemaking work has careful planning, preparation and intentional hand-off. And, yeah, that rarely happens. How, do you continue changemaking work when the individual people come and go?
Top Marketing Strategies in the Education-Nonprofit Sector
After participating in two years of intensive marketing and sales coaching, I have some lessons to share with education and nonprofit professionals who are offering professional development and consulting services.
Spending Wisely for Real Results
As a leader committed to improving the lives of young people, families and communities, how do you get the value you need through your work with consultants? Read on to find out.
10 Ways to Fix the Worst Things About Being a Consultant
Consulting s not for everyone. On our team, I’ve seen people come and go. Some people leave and take on full time jobs for years…some last a few months…some leave consulting and never look back. Why? Here are the top three reasons consulting can suck and 10 ways to make it better.
Avoid These 3 Mistakes When Hiring Consultants
If you hire consultants or may be considering hiring a consultant, this post is for you. Start with the following scenario…Let’s say you are the head of a football team and you want to win the season. You are not looking to get through without embarrassment; You want to ensure that your team becomes synonymous with excellent football.
Youth Development Consultants: 5 Things We Will Not Do
How do consultants and clients work together to support the broader mission of our field? This piece outlines five things we as consultants won’t do and sets a call for a new way to invite consultants, funders and clients into dialogue to support youth centered work.
🚀 Unlocking Success in Youth-Serving Organizations and Networks: The Power of Capacity-Building 🚀
In the realm of youth-focused organizational growth and development, it's critical to understand the unique roles played by research and evaluation firms vs. capacity-building orgs. They both have tremendous value and work well together—research sets up the launch pad and capacity-builders help you reach your destination!
Copy-Paste Case for Online Professional Development
Need help figuring out how to create an online professional development experience for your staff or network? We can help—starting with establishing your case for investing in online professional development now. If you need to communicate with your board, funders or partners that now is the time to invest in online professional development or that the funds currently tagged for programming (that isn’t occurring) should be reallocated to online PD, copy and paste today’s post into your own document to get started.
Managing Teams Remotely--ASAP!
You’ve been managing a team, but have always been able to see them in person. People have always been able to pop into your office when they need a quick response. You all have chatted in the hallway or at the coffee maker. And now you don’t. If you’re scrambling to effectively manage your team when everyone is working from home, here are five strategies to help you now.
How Do YOU Show Up as a Facilitator?
In our weekend training, we explored multiple social identities and how they show up in our work as facilitators. How do your social identities inform your work?