Leadership Inspiration & Tips
What would you do with $5 million to support youth-focused systems & organizations?
A potential investment scenario allowed our team to dream big. Rather than focusing on curriculum and instructional materials or even online courses, we honed in on supporting and skilling people– leaders and essential advisors in our field. Why?
10 Ways to Fix the Worst Things About Being a Consultant
Consulting s not for everyone. On our team, I’ve seen people come and go. Some people leave and take on full time jobs for years…some last a few months…some leave consulting and never look back. Why? Here are the top three reasons consulting can suck and 10 ways to make it better.
Youth Development Consultants: 5 Things We Will Not Do
How do consultants and clients work together to support the broader mission of our field? This piece outlines five things we as consultants won’t do and sets a call for a new way to invite consultants, funders and clients into dialogue to support youth centered work.
How Smart Nonprofit Leaders Create Lasting Impact: Carlos Santini
Part of our Smart Nonprofit Leaders interview series, I had a lovely conversation with Carlos Santini, an energetic colleague in the afterschool and youth development field. In his leadership, Carlos draws upon lessons from his mentor and is now embracing his role as a way to share his own experiences with the field.
3 Hidden Superpowers of Youth-Serving Organization Leaders
Grab this printable poster that reminds you of a few of your very own superpowers.
5 Ways to Build Positive Relationships with Young People
As the new program year begins, it’s important staff build positive relationships with young people. Share these basic tips with your team to get started.