
Leadership Inspiration & Tips

professional development, tool Jennifer Brady professional development, tool Jennifer Brady

7 Reasons to Connect with Other Organizations Who Share Your Mission

Developing a network with other organizations can be extremely beneficial, from focusing on specific issues and sharing solutions to creating alliances for long-term mutual gain. When a group of organizations are all focused on the same mission, it makes sense to convene as a network. Here are six benefits of connecting with other orgs—even those who seem to be “competitors” in your area.

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tool, professional development Jennifer Brady tool, professional development Jennifer Brady

5 Shifts to Help You Focus on Doing More of What You Love

As a leader-facilitator that inspires possibility, part of your role is to enter with a sense of possibility so you can recognize what’s possible with others and help them see it and believe it for themselves. What that means is that you need to let go of what you have traditionally done as a leader, and instead shift your role to be more of a see-er, listener, healer, supporter. How do you create open space so you can shift your role? Here are some tips.

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Jennifer Brady Jennifer Brady

7 Keys to Maximize Times of Transition

In our roles as leader-facilitators, how do we support individuals, organizations and communities through the flight, through the transitions so they can arrive at the next perch stronger, happier and more energized to move forward? Here are some tips.

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Jennifer Brady Jennifer Brady

DWL Proudly Receives High Scores on US Dept of Education Proposal

Our team at DEVELOPMENT WITHOUT LIMITS is proud to be very highly rated on our proposal for the U.S. Department of Education's 21st Century Community Learning Centers National Technical Assistance Center.

We rocked this. We offered our heartfelt, authentic response to the RFP. Our ideas were just like us--human-centered, non-traditional, innovative. We offered kick-ass partnerships and trusting relationships toward the greater mission of positive outcomes for young people.

If you know DWL, you know that our deep belief is that adults cannot fuel trust, power and leadership with young people until the adults themselves, at all levels, experience trust, empowerment and leadership.

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