
Leadership Inspiration & Tips

professional development, tool Jennifer Brady professional development, tool Jennifer Brady

5 Ways to Prepare for Workshops or Meetings Filled with Possibility

You may be new to facilitating groups or ready for a refresh. As a leader, as a facilitator, you want to create a space that allows for participants to bring their sense of possibility. This starts with your own preparation. Ideally, begin preparing for a workshop or meeting several weeks in advance. This gives you time to read through the workshop materials, practice, and prepare materials and supplies.  Here are some key tips to get you on track.

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professional development, tool Jennifer Brady professional development, tool Jennifer Brady

6 Strategies to Establish a Safe, Welcoming Virtual Meeting Space

As a leader-facilitator, welcoming spaces start with you. You need to enter the space with a sense of possibility so you can recognize it within co-participants. Even in virtual meeting environments, you can create a space of warmth and welcome. Use these practices as a check list to ensure a welcoming, community-focused, positive space.

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professional development, tool Jennifer Brady professional development, tool Jennifer Brady

5 Strategies to Build Upon and Celebrate Strengths in Meetings

Oh do we talk a lot about “strengths-based” approaches in our field! But as you know, the ‘walk’ often doesn’t match the ‘talk’. How frequently do we offer constructive criticism or improvement feedback rather than supporting others by helping them recognize possibility within themselves? In your work as a leader-facilitator who is rediscovering possibility within your team or community, use these five strategies to get grounded in strengths.

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professional development, tool Jennifer Brady professional development, tool Jennifer Brady

Tee Up What’s Possible with These 16 Effective Presentation Tips

Great speakers make their work seem effortless. *SEEM* being the operative word here…Great speakers actually prepare quite a bit in advance of their talk so they can be almost on auto-pilot during their talk. Preparation is important. AND as a leader-facilitator, how you fill the space during the talk is also important. When you’re speaking with a group, take the time to prepare and practice with these tips.

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